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Format load fresh Programs Give The Mind The Guru Operating System. (Baba Neem Karoli)

We all have used operating systems we have kept on loading programs uninstalling programs as and when necessary as per our application occasionally we end up browsing some unwanted sites infect our computer with virus. First the system starts slowing down then if the anti-virus cannot do anything much your computer just hangs up.

If you are lucky you backup all the data that is valuable to you, format the root drive and load only necessary programs you need, end result your computer boots faster browse the net quicker and runs the applications more efficiently, on the down side you might have lost some valuable data.

Now imagine mind as a computer what if you don't lose anything valuable and get rid of all that unwanted stuff you have loaded.

Mind works on outlined patterns, these patterns end up into a program, a specific set of instructions to convert an input state to a desirable output state. Whether desirable or not depends on the set of Instructions just like a computer the Instructions here are for your inner computer are "thoughts"

Unfortunately most of these in dwelling programs are either incomplete, defective, or virus infected. That is why they give undesirable and inconsistent results. A virus is a malicious program which changes the original pattern of instructions to produce very undesirable and destructive results. But you feel helpless as you don't know how to have access to your programs and fix them.

Sometimes you get an insight as if out of blue, a magical solution to a persisting problem. But such solutions are rare and you don't have any control on receiving it. Sometimes you wonder a particular friend of yours has the knack of solving a particular set of problems effectively and consistently which you can't. You take it granted. You rationalize thinking that you are a pawn in the hands of some invisible destiny.

Not really, you are not a pawn in the hands of destiny. You make your own.

More precisely all of these programs we have up there ruining our output have one common bug the algorithm has on common mistake delete the instruction "fear" and all your programs will start functioning normally and start producing desired result.

Terms such as rejection, failure, disappointment, displeasure, frustration, and regret have a same algorithm and the basic bug remains "fear" replace this fear with "Self belief" then your mind will execute self-confidence, self-assurance, satisfaction, contentment happiness and joy.

A small change is the way you think can bring about a massive change to the outcome.

As per a wise butterfly, "Every caterpillar has the innate potential to wake up as a butterfly. It can bring beauty and color into life. It can fly at will with ecstasy. It is welcome to everything beautiful and fragrant like flowers."

Similarly a person is able to undergo an experiential adventure to transform and bring metamorphosis in life.  Can you imagine fulfilling your cherished dreams, seeing yourself and the world around you with eyes of love and abundance?

We don't know if you have already begun to notice the empowering and lasting results of this adventure. One of the things you will appreciate is about how changes happening from very core of you.     

There was this one guy who had lost a gold coin, he was searching every inch of the backyard a few friends looking at his condition joined him; searched along for a long time yet when they could not find the gold coin , one of them fed up asked 'hey where did you lose it, he replied I lost it inside the house then why are we searching here, oh that, there is no light inside.

From Within should the reasoning come it will bring the change for good.
All the ideas will blossom the spring of happening waits within you.

1. Life Mastery is Self Mastery.
2. The purpose of your avatar here is service.
3. Have courage be patient then all good will come.

I Pray to Lord Ram Maa Sita Along with Laxman & Gurudev Maharaj Neem Karoli Baba who is the avatar of Lord Hanuman all participants get financial freedom, good health, divine protection, blessings, peace and thereby lasting prosperity.

Start Now to Read 3 stories (leelas) a day for 7 days you will witness amazing positive vibes and changes in your life. Attend one prayer meet, whatever your difficulties, they will be erased, success will follow you.

Jai Gurudev 🙏
Jai Neem Karoli Baba 🙏
Jai Maharaji 🙏
Share Baba Neem with your friends and family
Always Stay Blessed 
Again Jai Gurudev 🙏

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